#14: how to get off your high horse [Apr2011]

why are Alisters allowed to crash cars, do drugs, do pornstars, and exhibit selfish behavior so openly, when i'm not even to urinate in public without a $250 fine?

#10: how hollywood = ego fail [May2010]

i mean, hollywood doesn't seem to understand that the majority of movie-goers, could care less about the oscars. it's just a big ego stroke for the stars anyway...

#7: how fanny packs are so uncool [June2010]

if you've ever worn a fanny pack in public and had someone laugh at you, you deserve it. and if you've had the same reaction after telling someone that you 'love to read', i would again have said you deserve it...

#8: how dog poo can be interesting [June2010]

there are a lot of things that people hate. but there are only a few things in life that we can all agree on hating. things like: bad drivers, wine and cheese breath, racists, sarahjessicaparker's face, the government... and of course, the show 'toddlers and tiaras'...

#13: how to hit the panic button [March2011]

Of course by now you've heard about the natural disaster in Japan. but i think you've heard about it - in the wrong way.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

#9: how to chew the fat

like a good stew, this blog entry has been flavoring itself up for the past couple of months. but don't get any ideas. it still might be too salty or darkly-humored for some of you. if that happens to be the case, and you don't understand or like dark humor, sarcasm, or liberocrat(ish) opinionisms - then i hope your eyes don't fall out after reading this. you communist.

i know that by saying SMusings was on a hiatus, i'm really saying that i haven't been interesting enough for the last two months. and that's slightly true, but slighlty untrue as well. my last idea for a blog post was going to be about how i prefer to write my blogs in notepad rather than in microsoftword.

do i care why? you ask. well - i'll tell you anyway.

notepad in many aspects is like an ikea furniture item. chiefly because of its simplicity and being designed for noobs. whereas, i imagine a microsoftword user to be that person in ikea who is loud-talking about how they'll be purchasing real granite-countertops, rather than faux granite-countertops, because of the durabilty and luxuriousness.

so, being intrigued, you look in their basket and are unsurprised to find that it only contains a $1 chocolate bar and a $2 pack of 2AA batteries. i guess they're saving up for their countertops, you mutter.

saturday musings