#14: how to get off your high horse [Apr2011]

why are Alisters allowed to crash cars, do drugs, do pornstars, and exhibit selfish behavior so openly, when i'm not even to urinate in public without a $250 fine?

#10: how hollywood = ego fail [May2010]

i mean, hollywood doesn't seem to understand that the majority of movie-goers, could care less about the oscars. it's just a big ego stroke for the stars anyway...

#7: how fanny packs are so uncool [June2010]

if you've ever worn a fanny pack in public and had someone laugh at you, you deserve it. and if you've had the same reaction after telling someone that you 'love to read', i would again have said you deserve it...

#8: how dog poo can be interesting [June2010]

there are a lot of things that people hate. but there are only a few things in life that we can all agree on hating. things like: bad drivers, wine and cheese breath, racists, sarahjessicaparker's face, the government... and of course, the show 'toddlers and tiaras'...

#13: how to hit the panic button [March2011]

Of course by now you've heard about the natural disaster in Japan. but i think you've heard about it - in the wrong way.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

#10: how to be worry free. for six minutes.

Pablo lessens his pace and walks slower than usual this morning. Normally it's a sprint to the stop so that he doesn't miss the bus. Though today, he's six minutes early. Pablo makes sure to keep on the grass so he can feel the crunch of the frost under his feet. It's a small victory every time he puts one foot in front of the other - crushing the grass with each step.

Pablo is worry free and not sure how to feel about it.
Five minutes to seven forty-one a.m.

He exhales and watches his breath condense into a small cloud then slowly fade away. He tries to puff out a ring, but it doesn't work. Pablo doesn't smoke. He's no good at doing rings. Pulling his toque lower, (because the tips of his ears aren't covered) he looks around and wonders about the increase in traffic and pedestrians for this time of day. Strange, he thinks, as he pulls his hand out of his pocket and glances down at his wristwatch. His arm feels heavy. Suddenly he remembers, "spring forward".

His feet are cold. The brakes on the bus are squealing. The bottom of his ears are coming uncovered again. Spring is here and soon there won't be any more grass to crunch. He's an hour late for his exam.

Pablo is worried and not sure what to do about it.
Eight forty-one a.m.

saturday musings

[this blog post is dedicated to chuck lorre. despite the ironic fact he won't ever know]
