i know that by saying SMusings was on a hiatus, i'm really saying that i haven't been interesting enough for the last two months. and that's slightly true, but slighlty untrue as well. my last idea for a blog post was going to be about how i prefer to write my blogs in notepad rather than in microsoftword.
do i care why? you ask. well - i'll tell you anyway.
notepad in many aspects is like an ikea furniture item. chiefly because of its simplicity and being designed for noobs. whereas, i imagine a microsoftword user to be that person in ikea who is loud-talking about how they'll be purchasing real granite-countertops, rather than faux granite-countertops, because of the durabilty and luxuriousness.
so, being intrigued, you look in their basket and are unsurprised to find that it only contains a $1 chocolate bar and a $2 pack of 2AA batteries. i guess they're saving up for their countertops, you mutter.
saturday musings