#14: how to get off your high horse [Apr2011]

why are Alisters allowed to crash cars, do drugs, do pornstars, and exhibit selfish behavior so openly, when i'm not even to urinate in public without a $250 fine?

#10: how hollywood = ego fail [May2010]

i mean, hollywood doesn't seem to understand that the majority of movie-goers, could care less about the oscars. it's just a big ego stroke for the stars anyway...

#7: how fanny packs are so uncool [June2010]

if you've ever worn a fanny pack in public and had someone laugh at you, you deserve it. and if you've had the same reaction after telling someone that you 'love to read', i would again have said you deserve it...

#8: how dog poo can be interesting [June2010]

there are a lot of things that people hate. but there are only a few things in life that we can all agree on hating. things like: bad drivers, wine and cheese breath, racists, sarahjessicaparker's face, the government... and of course, the show 'toddlers and tiaras'...

#13: how to hit the panic button [March2011]

Of course by now you've heard about the natural disaster in Japan. but i think you've heard about it - in the wrong way.

Friday, June 25, 2010

#8: how dog poo can be interesting

there are a lot of things that people hate. but there are only a few things in life that we can all agree on hating. things like: bad drivers, wine and cheese breath, racists, sarahjessicaparker's face, the government... and of course, the show 'toddlers and tiaras'.

watching that show was actually less interesting than watching my dog have a poo. well, it wasn't so much uninteresting as it was - wrong. i felt bad for the kids, you know? having to prance around half naked in front of their (ironically fatugly) parents and judges-who look like registered sex offenders. even the amount of make-up on their little faces would be enough to fancy up an entire cirque du soleil cast. and the skills? since when has baton twirling been a skill? calling baton twirling a skill is like calling rodeo a sport.

point being - i hate these pageants. i hate the parents for turning their kids into little, perverted versions of themselves. kids don't usually get a choice and it's sad to see some of them having to grow up doing that kind of thing. and only for their parents to feel better about themselves, barely. but if i'm wrong and there is a point to little kid beauty pagents, i still don't care. because i know that my parents let me like what i liked, when i was growing up. and that made me very creative and kept me truly happy. which i still appreciate entirely.

child pageants may be small and insignificant compared to the other major things we can hate together - but it's what i chose to muse about this time. and maybe i shouldn't say 'hate'. they're just something that i really don't like, a lot. and it's a parent's choice, i know. but isn't there anything better to choose? like ballerina classes or the taliban or something?

listen. in the end, child pageants are fantastically weird and hugely pointless. plus, why on earth would anyone want their kid to be less interesting than dog excrement? unless you're a stupid, of course.

shamefully yours,

Friday, June 11, 2010

#7: how fanny packs are so uncool

if you've ever worn a fanny pack in public and had someone laugh at you, you deserve it. and if you've had the same reaction after telling someone that you 'love to read', i would again have said you deserve it - until recently.

a little while ago, i had the sort of relationship with reading, that old persons have with technology - i didn't understand why it is important or why it is necessary. i thought of reading as tedious and boring. so many words that you can minus by just using a picture instead. usually i just read titles, look at pictures, and make a general assumption about the rest of an article's content.

but then, i accidentally stumbled onto a book-reading app on my iphone, and accidentally paid for some books, and accidentally began to enjoy reading them. and so i finally began to understand that fanny packs weren't uncool - they were just uncool to me.

i finally got it. i finally understood why libraries and bookstores have millions of different sections. there’s different sections for different likes. and why would you want to read something unless you were interested in it? i know it sounds daft, but it was quite an epiphany for me.

it was so simple. reading is boring, unless you're reading something you like.

like this blog.