why are Alisters allowed to crash cars, do drugs, do pornstars, and exhibit selfish behavior so openly, when i'm not even to urinate in public without a $250 fine? not that i'd want to, but i mean... does having a high horse mean having no consequences? i mean, if it were my 'personal choice' i'd be able to punch a snooki-type in the face (yes, it's already been done, but you can't get enough of a good thing, can you?) especially if the worst consequence would be: making it onto TMZ’s nightly roundup.
if it were up to me, i'd take brilliance over fame and i'd take respect over recognition... i really, truly would. although, in truth, someone who isn’t an Alister wouldn’t be able to understand the difficulty of remaining humble, once you get to that level. and it’s probably pure condescension for me to talk about being an Alist without having all the notoriety that goes along with fame. unless this blog goes big time... in which case i’d have tone down the wordiness of these blog posts – because I wouldn’t want you peasants to get confused and all that.
saturday musings